Friday, February 29, 2008

Letter 5

When I began to read this section of the letters, they seemed to be a little more clear than the first three. I think I had an easier time understanding what was going on and the actual purpose of the patient, screwtape, and Wormwood. I'm actually starting to grow fond of the writing, although the writing format is still not completely easy to read. I think that the idea to write from Satan's point of view is quite intriguing, and brave of C.S. Lewis. I can see many people being upset with the writing, because of the context.

I chose to write about letter #5 this week because I thought that it was extremely interesting how Screwtape compares war to other things. He talks about how war for him isn't necessarily a bad thing, but good. He goes on to say how it's useful "for bringing souls to our Father Below." I thought this was a very interesting way to look at it.

The next part that I found interesting in the text was when he was talking about people who are dying (page 24). He directly says in the book, "encouraging the belief that sickness excuses every indulgence, and even , if our workers know their job, withholding all suggestion of a priest lest it should betray to the sick man his true condition!" I read this quote a couple of times and found it to be up for judgement. I'm not sure exactly what he means by this, but thought that they way it was worded was ironic.

The last part of the text that I liked was at the end of the letter, (page 24) when he says, "The enemy's human partisans have all been plainly told by Him that suffering is an essential part of what He calls redemption. This was my favorite part of the book and when I read it, I kind of just stopped and thought. Do you really believe that we must suffer solely in order to be saved?

hmm... Enjoy!!

1 comment:

Melissa Purta said...

Hey Beck!
So I like what you took out of the reading. The quotes that you pulled were infact some of the ones I liked too. I believe suffering is part of being saved, but I see where you ask if we must suffer solely in order to be saved. I think it's only part of it and that other things also take part. I think you have a really good idea of what the chapter is about and I agree that it was much easier to read!